Sustainability Reporting
Sustainability Reporting provides a transparent roadmap for both individuals and organizations to integrate sustainable environmental and social management practices— including target setting, dashboards, and measurement protocols—into their operations.
For Private Organizations
CSR and/or Sustainability Report is not just for big publicly owned companies. More and more businesses and governments are realizing the importance of privately-owned companies as Sustainability catalysts. Having a sustainability report that defines sustainability issues that are material to you would let you focus on those issues that may matter to you most right now.
For Local Governments
In the United States, municipal governments hold unique positions in advancing the sustainability of their local communities. They are the basic units through which government services are provided, and the ones who can impose regulations on land use, transportation, water, waste collection and treatment, noise, sanitation, food safety, and housing. One of the public goods that local governments provide but not fully recognized is environmental sustainability. A stable environment greatly enhances the quality of communities and public health. From figuring out the transportation system efficiency to the tree plantings in urban areas, we are ready to be at your service.
For Individuals
Understanding your carbon footprint is the great first step toward individual sustainability. Personal lifestyle greatly affects the carbon dioxide production (personal lifestyle footprint). We will address your carbon footprint from the following 5 areas:
Travel (Transportation)
Currently, we are working on the following projects:
Open Sustainability Data Collection
We are open for collaboration in conducting research on sustainable product development, market research, and cost-benefit analysis.